Whats On

Eastern Angles Young Creatives (Ages 18-30)

Thu 25 Jan 2024 - Thu 25 Jul 2024

Resuming in September 2024

Young Creatives is a free, 12-month professional development programme for 18-30 year-olds. 

Whether you’re an early career artist looking to upskill yourself, or perhaps you’ve never been to the theatre before and just want to flex your creative muscles, we've got your covered.

Young Creatives Weekly Sessions

The programme consists of weekly workshops, masterclasses and Q&A sessions with leading theatre professionals from across Suffolk, East Anglia and the wider UK. They’ll cover all aspects of the theatre industry from writing and performing, to producing, directing, stage management, costume design and everything in between. 

The weekly sessions are advertised via our website, and bookable up to a month in advance. It’s first come, first served, and places are limited! 

As a member of the Young Creatives you can pick and choose which sessions you want to attend, tailoring your experience to your areas of interest. We strongly recommend attending as many sessions as you can throughout the year to get the most out of it – you never know what you might discover along the way. 

Important details:

Young Creatives is currently on a summer break and will resume in September.

Sessions run every Thursday, 5pm-7pm at the Eastern Angles Centre.

All sessions are free to attend.  

If you have any questions please get in touch with our Associate Director (Engagement & Participation) Callum Berridge – email callum@easternangles.co.uk or phone 01473 218202. 

The Eastern Angles Young Creatives programme is made possible thanks to funding from Ipswich Borough Council.