3.30pm-5pm, Tuesday & Wednesday, term time only
Need a quick space to do your homework? Join us at the Eastern Angles Centre for Homework Club! There'll be someone at each session to supervise and support you with your homework, ensuring all tasks set by their schools are completed on time. Free internet access, use of computers and printing will also be available, as well as free snacks!
How to sign up:
Is this your first time at Homework Club? Before making your first booking you will need to complete a sign up form. There are printed versions available to collect from the Eastern Angles Centre Reception.
Click here to download the Homework Club sign up form.
All attendees, parents and guardians are also asked to read our Homework Club Terms & Conditions and our Behaviour Policy which can be views on the following links:
Homework Club Terms & Conditions
Eastern Angles Behaviour Policy
Been to Homework Club before? Once we've got all the info from your sign up form, simply book your place online or over the phone on 01473 211498. Booking for each session will open one week before the session.
Any questions? Contact our Associate Director (Engagement & Participation) Callum Berridge on callum@easternangles.co.uk or phone the team 01473 211498.