
Leave A Legacy

We are very lucky and proud that Eastern Angles is close to our local community and audiences' hearts. Remembering Eastern Angles in your Will is an extraordinary way to pass on your love of theatregoing to a new generation.

A legacy donation from you will support our charitable work on the stage and in the community for years to come. It could ensure that a vulnerable person continues to experience the joy that goes hand in hand with live arts. It could provide the opportunity for a young person to see their first play or to stand on a stage, leading to a lifetime love of theatre. It could offer an emerging artist their first opportunity to create work on our stage or on tour.

The impact of your donation will be felt for years to come.

For a confidential conversation about leaving a legacy gift, please contact Artistic Director / CEO Jake Smith on jake@easternangles.co.uk.

We strongly advise that you seek professional advice when making or updating your Will.