
New Angles Youth Theatres

New Angles Youth Theatres resume in September

Click here to sign up for Youth Theatres

Brand new for 2024/25, New Angles Youth Theatres are weekly theatre classes where young people can develop performance skills, grow their confidence, meet like-minded people and have fun.

Whether you're a budding actor or just itching to try something new, there's a space here for you.

Important details:

New Angles is currently on a summer break and will resume in September.

All of our Youth Theatres are free to join and always open to new participants.

The programme is split into three groups:

  • Ages 9-11: every Wednesday, 5pm-6.30pm 

  • Ages 12-15: every Monday, 5pm-7pm 

  • Ages 16-18: every Monday, 5pm-7pm  

All sessions take place at the Eastern Angles Centre, Gatacre Road, Ipswich IP1 2LQ.

The youth theatres run during term time. There will also be two weeklong theatre camps during half-term in the Autumn and Spring. 

How to sign up:

Registration for New Angles is open now! Click here to fill in our Youth Theatres Sign Up Form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Associate Director (Engagement & Participation) Callum Berridge at callum@easternangles.co.uk or 01473 384991.

New Angles is made possible thanks to funding from Ipswich Borough Council and from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.