Bentwater Roads: Beside The Seaside.
5 July 2010I woke late and called Trina after jogging about the park for half an hour. Then Pam called and invited me to join her a Zoran for a trip round Southwold. I threw my accumulated dirty washing into the machine, showered, blogged and hung the washing up, just finishing in time to jump in Pam's car and head away.
The weather was a lot cooler and the wind was somewhat stronger than the last few days but we had a pleasant walk and chat as we strolled up and down the pier and then along the beach-front. We headed towards town asking for a place Peter had recommended called The Arches, when after asking the umpteenth local for directions to The Arches we got the umpteenth blank faced response, I thought it time to call Peter in case I had misheard or remembered incorrectly. Peter had not mentioned the name of the old coach Inn because he couldn't remember it himself and my memory had made up the name Arches because he had mentioned there was an Arch.
We finally lunched in the quiet garden of an old Coach Inn called the Swan Hotel - I think it was the place Peter had suggested, because the hot smoke salmon sandwich was just as delicious as he had described and washed down well with a glass of white wine. Zoran was fantastic company with one interesting story after another and very playful quibbling between him and Pam had me in fits for most of the afternoon. I offered to pay for the meal but Zoran insisted which means I'll have to find a chance to take him out one time. In a lot of his demeanour and attitudes he reminded me of my father, a very enigmatic, bombastic man who doesn't care much for people with overly ripe sensibilities and who enjoys making people laugh or gasp.
Pam and I treated our feet to a banquet of golden sand and a little frolic in the sea water while Zoran read his papers. It was a relaxed day but when I got back to my digs I hit the pillow again after a failed attempt at calling home, only waking up again as I heard Dan tip-toeing back to his room after their excursion to Aldeburgh to see Stalag Happy, I drifted back to Dreamland Happy...