
Could you be one of our new trustees?

10 May 2024

Eastern Angles want to appoint new trustees to the Board to support the ongoing work of our theatre company and thriving community arts centre. 

We want new Trustees to join a team who are passionate about theatre, community advocacy combined with an interest and passion for the East of England. 

Click here to download the full Trustee Recruitment Pack.

How To Apply:

Please send us your CV, a short letter (no more than two pages) and an Equal Opportunities Form. 

Click here to download the Equal Opportunities Form.

Links to video or voice note statements are also welcomed (max length 5 minutes). For more information please ring 01473 218202. To request any documents in alternative accessible formats please contact admin@easternangles.co.uk detailing the requirements.

Please send applications to our General Manager Jess Baker - email jess@easternangles.co.uk.

Deadline for applications: Friday 31st May, 12pm noon.