19 January 2007This modern tragedy, translated by Rina Vergano from its original Dutch, was written by Lot Vekemans and was first performed in the UK earlier this year, is one of my favourite pieces of theatre I've seen this year.
Set in Holland at a Transport café owned by mother, Janet Bamford, and daughter Katalijne, Eugenia Caruso, which has seen better days
Katalijne has problems, exactly what are not made clear, except at eighteen her mother is still leaving lists for her to follow and making all decisions for her.
Regular customer Remco, Adam Best, is the subject of Katalijne's infatuation, much to her mother's disapproval, but being a teenager, will her daughter listen? Add to the mix money and a knife and the scene is set for the price to be paid by all.
This is a wonderfully powerful play, exceptionally acted by all and is delightfully staged and directed as one is drawn into the complex emotions that are evident throughout.
Take my advice, beat a path to the Zoo Venues at once to ensure you get your ticket.