Everything Must Go! is one of the liveliest, most entertaining evening’s I have spent in a theatre this year...A total joy and comes highly recommended.
Andrew Clarke, East Anglian Daily Times
Many of us have a shared history around shops – whether it be recollections of accompanying our Mums on daily shopping trips, memories of toy shops or sweetshops, Co-op dividends and Green-Shield stamps, the personal service and deliveries from grocers, butchers, ironmongers, the effects of rationing during the war, working behind the counter, or the ever-changing face of our high streets and shopping centres.
This September, Eastern Angles presents Everything Must Go. The script has been formed from interviews with care home residents about their memories of shops and shopping.
The show is touring to care homes and schools across the county and will have public performances at the following venues:
Sir John Mills Theatre, Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd September
Southwold Arts Centre – Saturday 30th September
The Undercroft, Peterborough - Monday 2nd October
Brightlingsea Community Centre, Saturday 7th October